Which yoga mat is right for you? Cant decide between a print or size of mat? Hopefully the below information will help you choose the mat for you.
The Travel Mat - 1.5mm (1.7kg): Is great yoga mat for the yogis who are vagabonds at heart and love to travel and see our beautiful world. It is a thin lightweight yoga mat and can be folded up to fit perfectly into your suitcase or carry on bag. The Sahaja Travel Yoga Mat and can even be substituted for a beach towel and/or picnic rug. Making it even more perfect for the minimalist being. It is also still a good mat to place over a rental mat or any yoga mat.
The Resident Mat 4.5mm (2.9kg) : Is a thicker yoga mat for yogis who practice at one studio and prefer the thicker yoga mat. Perfect for 10 minute shoulder stands or headstands or if you practice is studios that have concrete or wooden floorboards. Is also a great yoga mat, if you need that extra little padding under your ankles or knees.
The yoga mat shown in the middle is the 3.5mm thick yoga mat, which most other yoga mat companies sell and usually 1730mm long. At Sahaja yoga mats, ALL our mats are 1830mm long, come in two widths and two thicknesses, 4.5mm and 1.5mm.
For first time use, if need, you can spray it down with a little water to help with the grip or even throw it in the washing machine.
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. Aaron Rose